Online comedy videos Page 392
Extreme Urban Fish Fishing
2 mins, 3 secs
A spot-on parody of all those TV fishing shows. You know the type... the ones in which guys run around and 'do fishing'.
The Drunk
6 mins, 2 secs
A short comedy starring Seann Walsh as a drunk man coming back from a night out.
The Life Of A Geriatric
2 mins, 7 secs
"I bring it hard like my 21st cardiac arrest." A rap song about being old.
Cloakroom Con
1 mins, 32 secs
Two coats on one coathanger... it's the classic move for everyone visiting a nightclub. Has anyone ever thought about the cloakroom attendant though?
Britain Seeks Attention
3 mins, 15 secs
An animated satirical sketch show featuring the talents of Spitting Image voice actor Steve Nallon.
Office Concerns
2 mins, 13 secs
A sketch about office politics and the things you wish you could say, written by Jana Dowling and Katherine Cowell.