Online comedy videos Page 385
Boris Johnson with the voice of Jimmy Savile
55 secs
Boris Johnson isn't going to be Prime Minister. But we already knew that, as in this video from Peter Serafinowicz Boris reveals (in the voice of Jimmy Savile) that he wants to be the lead singer of an international rock group.
#HoodDocumentary - Launch Party
5 mins, 30 secs
RS's arch rival is holding a launch party for his new mixtape; RS is determined to go.
The Turtle Canyon Lectures - Jordan Brookes - The Brain
3 mins
Jordan Brookes teaches us about the brain.
The Turtle Canyon Lectures - Stuart Laws - Lebkuchen
3 mins, 27 secs
Stuart Laws talks about the german gingerbread biscuit Lebkuchen.
Sir Ian Bowler on Brexit
1 mins, 53 secs
Sir Ian Bowler reassures the nation as the UK prepares to go it alone...
i, Idiot
7 mins, 55 secs
Trevor is a miraculous man. Medically there's nothing wrong with him but he still manages to be utterly incompetent at everything he does...
No Filter - Brixton
3 mins, 6 secs
This sketch is based on the time London got mistaken for a prostitute.
The Girl Whisperer - Series 2, Episode 2
4 mins, 42 secs
Concerned about how Emmais handling his dating advice, Joz decides to keep tabs on her during her date with Phil.