Online comedy videos Page 380
Anna Mann is Gracious
1 mins, 18 secs
Anna Mann's old frenemy Sue Clinch got the Tom Tom advert job after all. But, fear not, Anna Mann isn't jealous, they went for a quick drink together. No bitterness here darlings
Phone Song
2 mins, 54 secs
That moment when you lose your phone and are plunged into the dark ages. A sketch by Lead Pencil.
Language after Brexit
3 mins, 58 secs
A sketch by QI and Oxford University Press which shows what our language is like without E and U.
Top Ten - Best Things About Leaving School
4 mins, 31 secs
More time for swimming, watching telly and avoiding teachers with bad breath... Jack Carroll has just left school - and he's loving it.
God thinks up some animal names
3 mins, 18 secs
God thinks up some names for the animals he has created. A sketch by Mixed Doubles.
The Go Home Office
5 mins, 7 secs
Welcome to a dystopian future, where the far right party 'England For Us' have triumphed in a general election and are running the country...
Anna Mann auditions
1 mins, 40 secs
Anna has finally got a casting after some time absent from the great game. Here we she her going up for a Tom Tom advert.
The Turtle Canyon Lectures - Punkspeare
3 mins, 37 secs
Paul Duncan McGarrity explains why Shakespeare was a punk rocker.