Online comedy videos Page 376
Teddy Bears
7 mins, 13 secs
She loves her teddies, but can she deal with a living breathing adult human?
Top Ten - Most Hated Proverbs
3 mins, 2 secs
Why do most proverbs have something to do with animals? Who comes up with these things?
Intergalactic Sausage - Juicenasia
7 mins, 21 secs
This time Joey really is leaving but Uncle John has dowloaded a package that might change both of their destinies.
The Michelin Star Witch
2 mins, 31 secs
This witch isn't having much luck in terms of cooking competitions.
7 Things to do on a Summer Bank Holiday
1 mins, 49 secs
Marek Larwood tries out seven fun activities to make the most of his Summer Bank Holiday on the beautiful Isle of Wight.