Online comedy videos Page 375
iPhone 7 Unboxing
2 mins, 18 secs
A first look at the brand new iPhone 7 in a special edition of Tomorrow's Top Tech Today (TTTT).
The Wicked Witch Of The West... Midlands
2 mins, 28 secs
Meet the Wicked Witch Of The West... Midlands, she tells it like it is!
Stricter Dan Control
3 mins, 28 secs
Wouldn't it be good if you could have a spokesperson to look after things for you?
Commercial Break
3 mins, 46 secs
Three human rights lawyers have an absolute shocker at work. A sketch by Massive Dad.
Oxford Professor
1 mins, 58 secs
You could learn a lot from Professor Ernest Chatsworth... if only he'd get to the point.
Top Ten - Top 10 Ways To Get a Girl
4 mins, 52 secs
From dressing as Gandhi to giving the whole VIP playboy treatment, Mandem reveal how you can impress the (potential) love of your life...
Intergalactic Sausage - Fame
8 mins, 45 secs
When a Look Booth is installed next to the Sausage van Joey's star rises at last but things get out of control.