Online comedy videos Page 374
Reeltrospectives - Jaws
4 mins, 59 secs
One of the greatest movies of all time, Steven Spielberg's 1975 masterpiece, Jaws. This episode features an interview with one of the stars of the movie, Bruce Carcharias. We gain some fascinating cast anecdotes, and delve into some of the confusion during the shoot of the original summer blockbuster.
2 mins, 56 secs
Ewan Small interviews Chris Big about Meninism, a movement fighting for the rights of men.
Internet Boyz
2 mins, 31 secs
Here's an amazing opportunity to work for Pilfr, one of the internet's most prestigious online digital social companies.
Top Ten - My Dream Wedding
3 mins, 4 secs
Not all weddings have to be traditional but Jessie Cave's is down right insane.
Paying Bills with 'Exposure'
3 mins, 53 secs
"We can't pay you, but it'll be great exposure." Something performers hear too often. Gemma Arrowsmith highlights the problems of this via this funny sketch.
iPhone 7 Unboxing
2 mins, 18 secs
A first look at the brand new iPhone 7 in a special edition of Tomorrow's Top Tech Today (TTTT).
The Wicked Witch Of The West... Midlands
2 mins, 28 secs
Meet the Wicked Witch Of The West... Midlands, she tells it like it is!