Online comedy videos Page 372
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Lies
3 mins, 52 secs
Dumbledore may not have been telling the whole truth....
Bend it Like Binda
1 mins, 19 secs
Meet Binda: a pilates guru with a neon soul, with the answers to the questions you never asked. Who was Joseph Pilates? A carpenter from Bethlehem apparently.
Coppers - Operation Subway
3 mins, 59 secs
Police officers Cooper and Tin are on a mission to fight crime. They just need to eat breakfast first.
When The Girlfriend Calls
1 mins, 54 secs
A sketch about how men put on a different voice when talking to their girlfriend.
Heston Blumenthal cooks humans
6 mins, 50 secs
It was only a matter of time... Heston has gone mad and is now making a dish out of the great British public.
Dial a Punch
2 mins, 34 secs
A documentary about an agency that helps people let out their anger by being a personal punch bag for them.