Online comedy videos Page 371
Reeltrospectives - Predator interview
4 mins, 57 secs
An exclusive interview with Miguel Hish-Qu-Ten, who starred in the Predator movie.
Top Ten - Lou Sanders: Top 10 Tips to Become a Beauty Model
3 mins, 31 secs
Lou Sanders is a beauty model; well at least she thinks she is.
Super Ouija Board
1 mins, 37 secs
It is the Halloween Season, so what better time to communicate another... WORLD?
Hunter Gatherer
52 secs
Are you a dull office worker? A cog in 'system'? Your bosses bitch? OR can you provide? Are you a Hunter Gatherer?
The Dating World
2 mins, 33 secs
This sketch from The Age Of Enlightenment imagines what it'd be like if we dated in the real world like we do on the internet...
1 mins, 6 secs
Cookies in your computer know what you have been looking at, as these three explain via a song. A sketch by Lead Pencil.
Snog, Marry, Kill
3 mins, 14 secs
Ever played 'Snog, Marry, Kill'? Well that's what these 3 are doing...
2016: Year Friends - Episode 9: September
11 mins, 55 secs
The episode where it's a back to school themed party and there are eggs everywhere.