Online comedy videos Page 369
When The Girlfriend Calls
1 mins, 54 secs
A sketch about how men put on a different voice when talking to their girlfriend.
Heston Blumenthal cooks humans
6 mins, 50 secs
It was only a matter of time... Heston has gone mad and is now making a dish out of the great British public.
Dial a Punch
2 mins, 34 secs
A documentary about an agency that helps people let out their anger by being a personal punch bag for them.
10 mins, 27 secs
Detectives McGuffen & McGiffin are on the hunt for the elusive Steve's Gang. A short comedy by Broken Toaster.
Reeltrospectives - The Birds
4 mins, 53 secs
A look at Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 all time classic creature feature The Birds. Reeltrospectives tracked down one of the stars of the movie, Stephen Corvus, and managed to get this exclusive interview.
Top Ten Classic Lolly Adefopes
2 mins, 22 secs
Lolly Adefope lists her top ten Classic Lolly Adefope moments.
Intergalactic Sausage - Van Man Der Van
8 mins, 32 secs
Uncle John is in training for the manly "Beard of the Year" competition but Joey decides he's coming too.