Online comedy videos Page 351
A Valentine's Card for Theresa May
2 mins, 9 secs
Heydon Prowse tries to send Theresa May a card that is apparently from Donald Trump.
If Valentine's Day was a man
3 mins, 23 secs
It's that time of year again where Valentine's Day barges into our lives and forces us to perform that familiar series of exhausting and expensive tasks to prove our worth to our other halves.
Night Pay
3 mins, 20 secs
Mark is desperate to buy a Valentine's card, late at night, from a petrol station...
Dead Town - Once in a Lifetime
13 mins, 32 secs
Butty convinces John and 80s Dave that if they are to be successful in finding Emily then they need to stock up on apocalyptic weaponry.
Wolf Jenkins - Animal Fighting
7 mins, 2 secs
Wolf must infiltrate an animal fighting ring and confront its owner - tough boy Mr Baz.
Support Group
1 mins, 44 secs
Ian is late for an important meeting and is about to suffer the consequences.