Online comedy videos Page 348
The Real Winner of Best Picture 2017
1 mins, 29 secs
Muriel Comedy have this film featuring Emma Stone talking about her, er, double Oscar win.
Clifford Sinclair caught in the act
3 mins, 24 secs
The PervBusters have been txting and investigating Clifford Sinclair for a good few months. Today is the day they caught him. A sketch by Broken Toaster.
11 mins, 35 secs
Gwen is an outspoken comedian, who has been dragged along to her boyfriend's work dinner to serve as perfunctory window dressing on the same day she has been diagnosed with an unfortunate fungal infection in an intimate area.
Kelly Zee - August Child
1 mins, 13 secs
A video from online campaigner Kelly Zee, who wants to change the world one hashtag at a time. This time: a campaign to help people born in August.
Desperate Dan and pigeons
1 mins, 37 secs
An animated sketch from BBC Scotland's Short Stuff strand. The pigeons seek wisdom from a great man... Desperate Dan in Dundee.
Crazy Ex Girlfriends
2 mins, 20 secs
Chatting about your crazy ex-girlfriends will make you want to see a therapist...
The Interegation
2 mins, 34 secs
Agent 9 has been captured by a ruthless master torturer. Will he talk or can he hold his tongue?
People changed forever
4 mins, 15 secs
These strangers thought they knew who they were, but what happened next...