Online comedy videos Page 340
Headless: The Ed Shales Story
7 mins, 12 secs
A documentary style short about the life of Ed who lives with his detached head.
Nature Video
2 mins, 21 secs
A documentary crew are on the tail of a rare endangered creature. They manage to catch a glimpse before the creature becomes another animal's prey.
World's Worst Ghost Walk
7 mins
A sad comedy short about ghost walks and the death of traditional forms of storytelling in the 21st Century.
A Female Doctor Who!?
2 mins, 34 secs
The BBC say: "Here at the Beeb, we're keen for the next Doctor to be a lady. But what problems might she face?"
Reeltrospectives - Guardians of the Canopy
4 mins, 44 secs
One guy has had to live with Groot longer than anyone else. Meet Root, his brother. What is life with Groot really like? Is being a non-famous tree an easy life? Find out in this special family episode of Reeltrospectives!
Russell Kane on people who fall asleep easily
2 mins, 35 secs
Russell Kane says: "Are you living with one of these annoying bell-ends? They make us, the tricky sleepers, miserable. This is my rant against them."