Online comedy videos Page 337
Life Lessons - Luisa Omielan - Why Hasn't He Texted Me Back?
1 mins, 55 secs
You've been on a date, it went great. So why hasn't he texted you back?
1 mins, 45 secs
You have to break free of your conformist conditioning and be true to yourself, otherwise you just look like an idiot!
Life Lessons - Nathan Caton - How Gangster Is Your Gran?
2 mins, 38 secs
Nathan Caton introduces us to the most gangster person he knows: his gran. From pushing product to threatening school teachers, Nathan explains why his gran is the most gangster person he knows.
The Fear
4 mins, 51 secs
Knock knock. The Fear is here. When Monday starts to muscle in on your Sunday.
Reeltrospectives - Alien
4 mins, 49 secs
Another Hollywood romance! Meet Andrew {classified} Ripley, son on Navigation Office Ellen Ripley and a Xenomorph. How did his parents come together in this unlikely pairing? Was it all plain sailing? Find out in this all access interview.