Online comedy videos Page 332
Summer holidays... with kids
59 secs
Ahhh time for a wee break... maybe not. Julia Sutherland faces the reality of the situation.
Margaret Thatcher for Prime Minister
3 mins, 39 secs
Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho is back with a special top ten list of reasons why she should be the next Conservative PM!
Life Lessons - Rachel Parris - 10 Ways To Become A Musical Legend
2 mins, 45 secs
Rachel Parris attempts to transform young children into musical geniuses.
When your t-shirt is simply too tight
1 mins, 37 secs
Tight t-shirts can make you look big, but at what cost?
British People Try Stuff for the First Time
2 mins, 23 secs
In a spoof of those videos you see on YouTube all the time, Fubs Comedy has filmed a group of British people trying some things for the first time... like a stapler.
Hope You Come Up Here - Culture
8 mins, 44 secs
Ian looks at the culture in Goole. He visits The Old George and the town's iconic towers.