Online comedy videos Page 318
The Man with Snakes for Arms
11 mins, 3 secs
A short film focusing on a documentary maker who has to film an interview with a man who has, er, snakes for hands?
Jack Whitehall: At Large - Trailer
1 mins, 10 secs
Some quality life advice from Jack Whitehall: If you can't take care of a mobile phone, you're not ready for kids.
Trigger Happy - Troll
43 secs
Trigger Happy is back. For too long, trolls have existed purely online... until now. Dom Joly will be patrolling the streets, complete with troll prosthetics, to offer his uninvited and unwelcome opinions on anything that catches his eye. The 'human troll' is on the streets looking for nice things to ruin.
That Mate Who Always Steals Your Things
1 mins, 43 secs
The difficulties of living with a flatmate who has sticky fingers...
Counsel House
1 mins, 27 secs
Letting go of suppressed feelings, doesn't always happen at the most appropriate of times.
Rumpus Shorts - Pling Plong
1 mins, 48 secs
A carefully timed game of Electro Ping Pong is ruined by a rhythmless Trumpet thing.
Adonis and Aphrodite
12 mins, 30 secs
Accepting an invitation to a barbecue turns this woman's life upside down... forever.