Online comedy videos Page 314
Barge Boyz - Head For The Canal
4 mins, 53 secs
The Barge Boyz spot a human head floating down stream but due to the head's lack of an attached body and the fact they have no boat, decide to leave it un-investigated. The Boyz later become water bound with an inflatable boat purchase and attempt to intercept a suspicious barge.
Chin Hair
2 mins, 21 secs
Childhood. Puberty. Menopause. Women get unwanted hair at all ages. But no one talks about that one weird chin hair that arrives when a woman turns 25.
A Donald Trump Music Video
2 mins, 25 secs
The Midnight Beast adapt 7 Years by Lukas Graham to become a video about the main man in America.
How to draw an Elephant
2 mins, 29 secs
Learn how to quickly draw a cartoon elephant, good for kids, cards and just for fun.
The Wall
3 mins, 46 secs
Polish documentary film maker Michal investigates 2 people in South London who have been inspired by President Donald J Trump to build a wall.
One Night Stand
2 mins, 33 secs
Leaving a one night stand can be awkward. But not if you have your best mate to make your excuses for you. A sketch by Next Best Thing.
TruthGun - Alien Abduction
10 mins, 29 secs
Flintlock and Colt attempt to document an alien abduction. Do not try this at home - unless your home is another planet.
A man who has never harassed women!
3 mins, 16 secs
Meet a man who has apparently never harassed a woman. What's his secret?
Advice on Becoming a Landlord
1 mins, 19 secs
There's never been a better time to become a landlord!