Online comedy videos Page 312
Christina Bianco's festive diva mashup
4 mins, 23 secs
Christina Bianco counts down the days to Christmas, with over 25 celebrity impressions singing Mariah Carey's classic All I Want For Christmas Is You.
Lunge Dolphin - Christmas Power
4 mins, 24 secs
A festive song from the legend that is Lunge Dolphin.
Weirdy Rhymes - The Phland
1 mins, 44 secs
The Phland, a lonely creature with detachable bottoms, goes out for a lazy drift. However, when you're already feeling a little low, the last thing you need is a tickly cough.
Simon's Cat - Kitten Crazy Time
1 mins, 47 secs
Simon's Cat discovers Kitten has his own 'crazy time' too!
Galaxy Ball Team EARTH - Dogs
14 mins, 18 secs
The alien staff who have come to Earth to train a squad of elite athletes discover that, thanks to an historical event, the team are composed of dogs.
John Lewis Christmas Ad Parody
2 mins, 40 secs
You've seen that John Lewis ad? Well here is a version featuring Jamie from Unhinged Productions.
Rachel Parris turns movie quotes into Jane Austin language
1 mins, 39 secs
Austenify this! Rachel Parris takes some famous Hollywood quotes and 'Austen-ifies' them.
What if my baby is an arsehole?
2 mins, 39 secs
A comedy song about pregnant anxieties, created by Erin Hunter.
Mungbeaners - Episode Three
2 mins, 11 secs
The not-so-dynamic duo have a possible meeting with Ron Howard over their epic Fish movie (or as the cine-literate French say Cinema de la Poisson). The first actual lead after screwing up meetings with Martin Scorsese and not getting a call back from Don Simpson... who knew he died of a drug overdose... in 1996?