Online comedy videos Page 302
Simon's Cat - Love me, love my cat!
4 mins, 42 secs
Love me, love my cat? - 'Will Simon be Fur-ever alone?'
Miffy & Buster
5 mins, 31 secs
An entirely serious documentary about two pets struggling with their mental health.
Doritos For Her
42 secs
Do you like Doritos, but your lady parts keep getting in the way? Well now there's a solution! DORITOS FOR HER.
The Midnight Beast - Send Nudes (Acoustic)
3 mins, 18 secs
An acoustic version of The Midnight Beast's new track.
The Facebook Song
3 mins, 49 secs
Stiff and Kitsch say: "Here's our song about how much we loathe social media, shared via social media."
Simon's Cat: Head Over Heels
1 mins, 47 secs
A love struck cat falls head over heels for a beautiful queen.
Every *Blank* Ever - Every News Report Ever
4 mins, 29 secs
A look at all kinds of news reports, from cute ferrets to nuclear warfare.
The Offensive Ad Agency
3 mins, 30 secs
Meet the men who've made the most offensive adverts in the world.