Online comedy videos Page 295
Chicago Rice - Parental Control
4 mins, 52 secs
Sammy must face up to his parents when they find his browser history.
Big Howard Little Howard's road to BGT glory
1 mins, 55 secs
Big Howard and Little Howard are planning to go on Britain's Got Talent...
Custom Love
8 mins, 40 secs
He's the perfect man taking her on the perfect date. Now she's just waiting for the perfect question.
Reeltrospectives - Best In Showbiz (Lassie)
4 mins, 43 secs
Lassie Fontaine has lived a life that most dogs can only dream about. Glitz, glamour and untold fame. But has life always been that way? Is all that glitters gold? Find out more about this Hollywood starlet in this VIP access interview.
No Idea - How To Build An App
1 mins, 34 secs
Having regained their seed money thanks to their crowdfunding campaign, Megan and Sophie celebrate by splashing out on champagne and some nice new clothes. Will they ever get their new business off the ground?
Miss Holland - Rugby & Great British Sports
4 mins, 51 secs
Miss Holland is on the rugby pitch this week, as she tries her hand at one of the "Great British Sports" she's heard so much about. Will she learn to run while passing the ball backwards ("It's not very intelligent")? And will the (male) players get naked and want to wear her dress? All is very nearly revealed...
Behind The Curtains - The Ladlord
5 mins, 30 secs
This time the Landlord is coming round to the flat but he doesn't know Matt lives there...
Nothing will help
2 mins, 29 secs
Nothing will help, things will never be ok, you'll be upset and angry forever...
Modern Man Song - BCG Pro Video Contest Winner
1 mins, 1 secs
A musical guide to how to be a modern man.