Online comedy videos Page 268
Sam Kills Christmas
8 mins
Settle down children, it's time for a story! But parents be warned: it gets kind of gory...
12 Days Of Jessmas - O Come All Ye Faithful as Lulu
1 mins, 42 secs
It's the First Day of Jessmas and comedian Rachel Parris has requested Jess to perform O Come All Ye Faithful in the style of Lulu!
A Guide To Following Instructions
3 mins, 50 secs
A man who has starred in a number of adverts gives a guide to following instructions.
Der Pfuffet Shoe Krispbread Spectrum
11 mins
Before The Muppet Show Christmas Special, there was Der Pfuffet Shoe Krispbread Spectrum.
Christmas In A Highrise
1 mins
Starz and GapC are dropping their latest singing, aiming for that Christmas No 1.
Marcel Lucont - Merry Brexmas
2 mins, 29 secs
French comedian Marcel Lucont's latest festive poem has a bit of subtext to it.
Snowflake Conversion
2 mins, 43 secs
John is offering to convert millennial snowflakes into free speech warriors using some very special techniques.
Why does it never... a Christmas Song
4 mins, 3 secs
Ant Dewson sings about why it never snows at Christmas.