Online comedy videos Page 250
The room next to Boris Johnson during his interview
1 mins, 15 secs
In an interview with talkRadio, Boris Johnson seemed not to have any answers when questioned about his personal life. Here's what was happening behind the scenes...
Light Touch
2 mins, 59 secs
Archie Henderson says: "Last year I took a personality test which told me I'm exactly 51% extroverted. This song is that 1%."
Map Men - Why every world map is wrong
6 mins, 15 secs
How do you show a round earth on a flat map? Is it possible? Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones find out using an orange and a rolling pin.
Off The Ball - The Fellaini
2 mins, 52 secs
Up-and-comer football agent Martin Flannel prepares to sign his first client.
Daddy Time
5 mins, 38 secs
A short comedy about a dads-to-be class. It's 2019 and men are getting really good at talking...
Demonologist For Hire - The Case of the Residential Evil
8 mins, 11 secs
The owner of a large, beautiful country house is being mentally tortured by disembodied, demonic voices that seem to know his every move, his every thought. When the Demonologist arrives he discovers that not only does the house have some terrifying secrets, so does the owner!
Prequel, Sequel, Requel - The Goonies
50 mins, 24 secs
Hey you guys! Join us as we delve deep into The Goonies and think of a sequel that's badly needed.