Online comedy videos Page 235
Whenever You Call the Bank These Days...
3 mins, 18 secs
Does your bank have really personal invasive questions too?
The Room Next Door - Conservative Election Broadcast
2 mins, 6 secs
Michael Spicer oversees the Conservative Election Broadcast.
Rosie Tries To Help - The LGBTQIA+ Community With Catherine Bohart
5 mins, 11 secs
Recently out and proud, Rosie asks Catherine Bohart to help her get stuck in with the LGBTQIA+ community and figure out how to be more involved.
Content #1 - Podcasts
9 mins, 33 secs
After a disastrous appearance on a podcast results in Content Content being described as "plankton, bottom feeders" of the business world, Alex looks for a way to restore the company's reputation.
Adam Bloom cuts his head open at a gig
3 mins, 50 secs
Adam Bloom cut his head going on to stage at Butlin's Skegness.
Girl Talks Out of Sync
2 mins, 21 secs
A girl tries to ask a guy out but the guy has a hard time following what she's saying.
Meet the world's first 'phallic earthers'
4 mins, 27 secs
Meet Tim Montgomery, leader of the Phallic Earthers movement...
First Impressions
4 mins
Sometimes in order to impress a girl all you really need is a friend to fake a celebrity party with famous people singing you're praises. Just as long as they're a master of impressions.