Online comedy videos Page 230
Content - Brand Deal
10 mins, 42 secs
Content Content are about to go out of business, there's no money left. A mysterious brand deal could be their last chance to stay afloat.
Best friend forgets to buy a gift
1 mins, 45 secs
When someone gives you a present and you haven't got one for them.
Slogs: The Controversial New Dog Breed
2 mins, 50 secs
Is it ethical to breed a dog without any legs or an anus?
Simon's Cat - Christmas Crow
3 mins, 48 secs
A festive Cat tries to decorate a Christmas tree but the Crow has other plans.
Weird things that only British people do
3 mins, 27 secs
Big Juice presents the weird things only British people do.
Comedy Central Chart Show - Boyband
3 mins, 31 secs
Ageing boyband Boys Forever have decided to reform for a Christmas single. It might seem like a cynical cash-grab... because it is.
Thinking Inside The Box - Democracy
2 mins, 46 secs
General election incoming!!! Will is going to vote so hard!!!!
Content - Charity
11 mins, 27 secs
In an attempt to do some good and position the company as socially conscious the team decide to team up with a charity. It doesn't go well, especially for Taylor.