Online comedy videos Page 221
The Room Next Door - President Trump and the Coronavirus
2 mins, 17 secs
Michael Spicer is trying to stop Trump from lying.
The Person Behind the Comedian - Lou Sanders
2 mins, 38 secs
The chat show where we ignore the famous guest and instead speak to someone less known from their life, sat directly behind them. Not chatting this week is Lou Sanders and sat behind her is her ex boss Rebecca, who seems to think a good business model is hiring people based on how much they look like characters from films.
How to get red wine out of a carpet
2 mins, 18 secs
How to get red wine out of a carpet using just a sock... a Snoop Dogg parody from Just These Please.
M.O.T.H.E.R Knows Best - Work
9 mins, 9 secs
There is a new job up for grabs and the Interviewer is in charge or finding the right person for the role.
How To Date A Magical Creature - How To Date Satan And Santa
6 mins, 20 secs
Celebrity journalist Toby Vanilla interviews Satan and Santa, two brothers with different views of the modern dating scene.
Pie And A Pint - How Do You Know When You've Met The One?
8 mins, 30 secs
What is 'love', and how do you know you're in it? Do we all need to just log off social media and go out into the real world to find our soulmates? The comedians take on matters of the heart.
Tom Little sings the Grandstand theme tune
45 secs
Comedian Tom Little has come up with some words to match the theme tune for the BBC's 1950s to 2000s sporting TV show Grandstand.