Online comedy videos Page 220
I Can't Remember Your Name!
3 mins, 24 secs
A sketch by Very Nice about what you're thinking about when you're trying to remember someone's name.
Stand-up comedian performs during Coronavirus self-isolation
2 mins, 5 secs
Comedian Marek Larwood, forced to self-isolate during the Coronavirus, finds a way to perform.
How to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus - Make-Up Tutorial
4 mins, 34 secs
Everyone's going hand-washing crazy and Dettol mad - but what about the real way to survive the Coronavirus outbreak? Learn how to create a flawless make-up look that will save your life (disclaimer: make-up may not save your life).
M.O.T.H.E.R Knows Best - Death
9 mins, 50 secs
The Interviewer and his new assistant test the death calculator.
Flogging A Dead Parrot
2 mins, 10 secs
This recently rediscovered tape appears to contains shocking audio from Monty Python's first meeting with commissioners... in a world where sexism in comedy is flipped.
How To Date A Magical Creature - How To Date Medusa
2 mins, 35 secs
Medusa agrees to appear on Toby Vanilla's show to promote her new book Aye, Eye of the Beholder, (Get What I Mean). Toby is as confused as we are by the title.
Pie And A Pint - Is There An 'Ideal' Body?
7 mins, 49 secs
We're constantly bombarded with images of the "ideal" body, but what if all/any bodies are ideal? The comedians take on the big issue of body issues, and try to crack the secret of self-love.