Online comedy videos Page 215
I'm Not As Sexy As I First Appear
3 mins, 13 secs
Jazz Emu says: "I can only apologise for such a deception."
Hello From The Inside
4 mins, 52 secs
Donna Preston channels Adele to give the advice: stay inside to stay alive.
Holly & David Go to Dinner
2 mins, 50 secs
Remember the good old days when we could leave the house to eat?
Small Island Ghost
7 mins, 29 secs
A darkly narrated tale of a man who becomes the warden of a small island with a ghostly inhabitant.
Two Letter Words in Scrabble
2 mins, 40 secs
A music video about all the two letter words you can play in Scrabble.
When You're Late For The Heist
1 mins, 20 secs
This man is late for the heist... and he has a good reason.