Online comedy videos Page 189
Exit Route
10 mins, 39 secs
After a decade at a dead end, a wide-eyed ticket stub collector must quickly learn what it takes as she battles for a life-changing career opportunity.
Thinking of going shopping again?
1 mins, 10 secs
Anna Morris suggests going back to the shops might not be as exciting as it may first appear.
The Insecurities Of Dill
6 mins, 26 secs
Dill is being used, and he knows it. After a morning of "passion" Dill's suspicions that the woman he was made for is seeing someone else begin to bear fruit. He battles his insecurities in the only way he knows how; by pondering politely. Who said being the object of someone's desire would be easy?
Guy Proposes Over Zoom
5 mins, 3 secs
Are you even really in lockdown if you're not starting a podcast?
Anyone up for a Zoom quiz tonight?
1 mins, 39 secs
There are too many quizzes on Zoom... and too many fancy dress parties!
Comedians Solve World Problems - Kiri Pritchard-McLean & Michael Odewale On Food Waste
4 mins, 45 secs
Bring back rationing or learn to cook fatty cysts? Which of Kiri Pritchard-Mclean and Michael Odewale's solutions appeals to you the most? With tonnes of food thrown out every week, it's time solve the food waste issue.
The Treason TV Show - Episode Four
22 mins
Donald Trump sings, two country folk talk to each other, Der Treason Spielen Schau looks at politics, and more.
The Sounds Of Nature
3 mins, 51 secs
Ex-comedian Joz Norris has decided to become a foley artist for nature documentaries. Luckily he knows exactly what nature sounds like.