Online comedy videos Page 184
Comedians Solve World Problems - Ahir Shah & Dane Baptiste On Screen Addiction
4 mins, 42 secs
Ahir Shah and Dane Baptiste tear themselves away from their phones for five minutes to solve society's screen addiction. Does real life just need to be more interesting? Or do we all need to make our phone background a picture of our parents in the nude?
Who Said That? - Episode Eleven
38 mins, 14 secs
Matthew Crosby, Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Ashley Blaker and Rajiv Karia play Who Said That?.
Desperate Measures
7 mins, 19 secs
When lockdown began, Emma was expecting a very special delivery. Now it looks unlikely it can still make it to her, she needs to call in some help from Freya and Jack before it's too late.
How to Survive Without Nando's
5 mins, 4 secs
We can all live without pasta, we can all live without bog roll, but what we absolutely, categorically, canNOT live without... is Nando's. But, fear not, Danny has found some Nando's sauce in Asda and he's gonna be sharing his recipes to keep your lockdown proper cheeky.
DJ! The Don Heckle Story
2 mins, 18 secs
Trailer for the much anticipated documentary about Don Heckle, the guy who created the 'DJ!' sound on a Yamaha Keyboard.
Be careful sharing the Zoom invite
1 mins, 29 secs
Oops... make sure you send the Zoom invite link to the correct people.
The Paddock - Episode Three
16 mins, 20 secs
Featuring Phil Wang, Claudia O'Doherty, Jon Pointing and Tom & Demi.
Housebound - Episode Eleven
9 mins, 38 secs
A midwife has to help with a birth by Zoom and a zoo owner explains the zoo's new feeding policy in lockdown.