Online comedy videos Page 157
Christmas with Corona
4 mins, 43 secs
Christmas is going to be a little bit different this year. A Christmas with a guest that none of us invited. It's going to be Christmas with Corona...
Just These Please - 12 Days Of Christmas - Away In A Pret-A-Manger
50 secs
This Christmas, we're away in everyone's favourite manger, Pret-A-Manger. Would you like a paper bag with this carol?
The Room Next Door - George Eustice and Black Lives Matter
2 mins, 21 secs
George Eustice needs a lot of help with his interview.
Bad TV Impressions: The Undoing
2 mins, 18 secs
Dr Grace Fraser/Frasier has got a lot of learning and reacting to do...
Roy Chubby Brown - Sittin in the Lavatory
2 mins, 31 secs
Roy Chubby Brown's interpretation of one of the most famous Christmas songs ever.
Mission: Accessible - Barging into Wales like...
12 mins, 57 secs
Rosie Jones brings Texan comedy pal Kemah Bob on a barging trip into Wales, as she sets out to show off her fishing and boating expertise and prove that a wheelchair is no entry barrier when it comes enjoying the UK's historic waterways.
#12DaysOfSketchmas - Nativity Planning
1 mins, 58 secs
Even a global pandemic can't stop the school nativity. The show must go on!
Petrichor - Episode One
17 mins, 11 secs
Alex meets Adam, the producer to help raise money to meet the Kickstarter target for his short film Petrichor. He also hires a writer's room to help get the script underway.
Just These Please - 12 Days Of Christmas - 12 Days of Christmas (An Ode to 2020)
3 mins, 18 secs
To celebrate how devastatingly awful 2020 has been, we made a song. A summary of everything that happened this year (that we could make fit in the rhyme scheme).