Online comedy videos Page 147
Mother F**king Pep Talk - Bobby Mair: Ask For Help
4 mins, 23 secs
Sometimes in life we are metaphorically gaffer taped to a chair and the only way to move on is to ASK FOR HELP. Bobby Mair wants you to know that when things are tough, you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with asking for a bit of help. #cactusboner
If French People Rapped...
2 mins, 59 secs
It's the comedy hip-hop parody the world has been waiting for, answering the question 'What if rap was in a French accent?'. Comedian Chris Turner puts Anglo-Franco relations back another 100 years...
Deputy Speaker goes on a cheap comedy course
2 mins, 27 secs
The Deputy Speaker of the House tries to improve his standing by going on a cheap comedy course, where he learns a load of stock putdowns.
Who Said That? - Episode 21
33 mins, 9 secs
Who Said That? is back! This week with Miles Jupp, Catherine Bohart, Helen Bauer and Sukh Ojla joining Mark Olver for a feisty and overly competitive game.
Bad Movie Impressions: The Dig
2 mins, 11 secs
Basil Brush meets a Pretty lady... and Suffolk will never be the same again.
The Joy Of Medicine - Pilot
16 mins, 34 secs
Dr Joy Daniels is excited to be the star of what she sees to be a documentary all about her. But with all her focus on impressing the camera crew, she soon takes her eye off the ball when it comes to her patients...
Asparagus Tips
4 mins, 9 secs
A dinner party kicks off with the last guest to arrive... the oddly named Asparagus Tips.