Online comedy videos Page 142
Katie Pritchard: Self-tape audition for Paddington 3
1 mins, 17 secs
Katie Pritchard says: "Does anyone know who is casting the role of the marmalade sandwich in Paddington 3 so I can send my tape off to them please? Thank you!"
British woman discovers Drag Race UK
2 mins, 36 secs
A British housewife discovers Ru Paul's Drag Race UK, without any understanding of the whole Ru Paul / Drag Race universe.
The rogue bishop who commercialised the church
1 mins, 12 secs
Adrian Gray explains how, in the 1960s, US businessman Ray Frost became The Archbishop of Canterbury, and turned the church into a profit-making machine.
I can't stop telling people about my all pandemic holidays
1 mins, 9 secs
This covidiot has been skiing his way around the pandemic.
The Room Next Door - On a Zoom with Don Jr Again
1 mins, 22 secs
The man in the Room Next Door talks to Don Jr again.
A Sketch Made Under Difficult Circumstances
1 mins, 49 secs
Joz Norris explains: "I had a go at making one of those talking-head sketches where both characters are played by the same person, but then my girlfriend broke up with me halfway through filming. Still got it edited together though!"
The Last Four Brain Cells
2 mins, 27 secs
Y'know that feeling when you just can't seem to get your brain in gear? A sketch by Quirks and Foibles.