Online comedy videos Page 131
The Bad Defendant
1 mins, 50 secs
Preparing a defendant for court is never easy. If they're anxious and terrified of saying the wrong thing, it's near impossible.
Living With Your Parents In Secret
2 mins, 29 secs
This year has been a disaster. You've lost your job. You've got no money. Your girlfriend has dumped you. You've got nowhere to live. So why not just move back in with your parents? Or maybe you don't want them to know what a terrible failure you are?
My Doctor's Advice - Nutrition
4 mins, 51 secs
It's Doctor Anna's birthday and she is making a cake!!! Then mamma calls... and the patient calls... and what happens to the cake in the oven? While trying to answer all the questions about nutrition, the fire alarm goes off and doctor Anna gets excited by the arrival of the fire brigade. Anyone wants a cake?
Competition Giveaway
1 mins, 47 secs
Always good to win a prize, right? Who'd turn down a £1000 in a competition giveaway? Unless, that is, you have a few murky secrets that end up getting caught on camera.
Wearing Ski Clothes to the Pub
2 mins, 39 secs
Couldn't wait to go to the pub after lockdown? Even though it's freezing and you had to sit outside? Ant Dewson has a solution.
Buying literally anything online
1 mins, 28 secs
Stevie Martin demonstrates what happens after you've bought something from an online shop.
Bad TV Impressions: Line Of Duty
2 mins, 19 secs
Mother of God! Will detective Jo Davidson get away with whatever it is she's trying to get away with?
Super Annoying Productive Friend
2 mins, 47 secs
Catching up with your super annoying productive friend for the first time after a year of lockdown...