Online comedy videos Page 101
Nick Dean is on Celebio
3 mins, 2 secs
Lesser known TV personality, Nick Dean, does his first live 'Celebrity Drop In' to a video business call and instantly regrets it.
Pizza Quality Control
2 mins, 14 secs
Unsung hero of our age: the guy that does the quality control on your pizza. Nothing would be more annoying than getting the wrong toppings, wrong base or suffering badly distributed and mushed up pizza ingredients. These brilliant pizza quality control people are there to ensure you get the pizza exactly as you ordered it. This is how they do their job.
1 mins, 30 secs
A drug deal goes horribly wrong as betrayals pile up. A sketch by Hoopla Impro.
30k A Week To Bore People Online
3 mins, 11 secs
Meet the surprising star of a new fetish craze - BoreCore - where you can make serious money from the dullness of your life. We come face to face with his fans and see why they're so attracted to boring people.
Bon Bon Walks Off Set
5 mins, 31 secs
A hapless film crew makes the shoot of a music video goes from bad to worse. A sketch from Book Of Jam.
James Bond... On A Budget
3 mins, 11 secs
What would Mr 007's life look like if it was funded by £007? We're not quite sure he'd have the same appeal, but we'll let you be the judge.