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Troy Hawke catches a real shoplifter

Lounge lizard Troy Hawke takes to the streets of Liverpool to ask Scousers to 'Adopt a Word'. At the end of the video we see actor Milo McCabe helping to catch a shoplifter without breaking from his character.

The alleged shoplifter was running away from an employee from the North Face store. McCabe told Chortle at the time of the incident: "I was filming one of my hidden camera Troy Hawke videos with fellow comedian Will Hutchby. This one involved me trying to get people on the street of Liverpool to adopt endangered words that are becoming obsolete and falling out of use in the language.

"I saw the guy sprinting down the street and thought, 'It'd be funny if I ask this guy to adopt a word as he's sprinting away from me.' So I started to ask him. Then I took a closer look at him - and then spotted the other man chasing him down the street. I instinctively started running but, for some reason, couldn't commit to it until I looked over at the man chasing with a look that said 'Should I?'... He read my look correctly and shouted 'Yes!' so I pegged it after the guy and was about to catch up when some absolute hero, who was on his phone at the time, reached out a leg and tripped him over, seemingly without pausing his conversation. I ran round the other side and blocked the thief off, who then looked at me with a mix of resignation and blank surprise and decided the game was up."

The man who was 'caught' returned the goods to the store employee as McCabe immediately went back to filming. The store employee agreed to adopt the word 'Uglyography' (meaning to have bad handwriting).

Milo McCabe Troy Hawke
Production team
Will Hutchby Editor

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