Thinking Inside The Box
- Online sitcom
- 2019 - 2020
- 59 episodes (1 series)
Year-long comedy following the philosophical musings of two cinema box office staff. Stars Jennifer Byrne and Paul Carroll.
Series 1
1. The Grass Is Always Greener
Sunday 31st March 2019
Jess wants to move to Australia, but is the grass actually greener? Or is actually dry and dead?
2. Adventure
Monday 8th April 2019
Jess has second thoughts about Australia. Everything has to be extreme over there.
3. Buddhism
Monday 15th April 2019
Will has taken up Buddhism. It's only been a week and he's practically eliminated his ego already.
4. Scissor Paper Stone
Sunday 21st April 2019
Will and Jess need to decide who does something. But Will has an advantage, because he's played the game before.
5. Boredom
Sunday 21st April 2019
What would your death row meal be? You wouldn't want to die hungry.
6. Countryside
Sunday 21st April 2019
City air or country air. It's mostly a matter of preference. Like white or wholemeal.
7. Life Expectancy
Sunday 21st April 2019
Should long-life milk last longer now that general life expectancy has gone up?
8. Looking Glass Self
Sunday 21st April 2019
I'm not who I think I am. I'm not who you think I am. I am who I think you think I am.
9. Existence
Sunday 21st April 2019
Isn't it mindblowing that anything exists at all. Jess isn't too fussed. She tends to keep to herself.
10. Exercise
Sunday 21st April 2019
Will''s got an annoying new fitbit that keeps wanting him to exercise. But it's alright, he's found a way around it.
11. Custom
Sunday 21st April 2019
Why do we drive on the left, but stand on the right? Will has the answers.
12. Dental Hygiene
Sunday 21st April 2019
Sometimes life seems like an endless succession of brushing your teeth. Jess and Will debate dental hygiene.
13. Nostalgia
Sunday 21st April 2019
Sometimes Will gets nostalgic about things that are happening right now. The trick is to live in the moment.
14. Trying
Sunday 21st April 2019
Will is trying to find another job. Like, actually trying. He's written a CV and everything.
15. Moving On
Sunday 21st April 2019
Will always wanted to be the sort of person who could just move on. It sounded cool. But he wasn't.
16. Necrophilia
Sunday 21st April 2019
What is the difference between a necromancer and a necrophiliac? It's an important distinction.
17. No Frills
Sunday 21st April 2019
You can't take anything on a plane anymore. Will is flying with Ryanair, but you're not even allowed to take car batteries on planes anymore. It's getting ridiculous.
18. Persuasion
Wednesday 21st August 2019
Jess is confused about the carrot or the stick approach to persuasion. Surely there's another way. She has a great idea.
19. Escape
Sunday 25th August 2019
Jess has a brilliant new idea for a plot of a film. Can Will find his way out of... The Room.
20. Serious Business
Monday 26th August 2019
A joke is a very serious thing. You have to take it seriously. And Will has a very important joke to tell.
21. Possessions
Monday 2nd September 2019
The thing that holds us back most is our attachment to possessions. To let go of that is the only way to be free.
22. Idleness
Monday 9th September 2019
It's tiring isn't it? Doing nothing. It's a wonder these two stick around. They're lucky they still choose to work there.
23. The Cure
Monday 16th September 2019
You've heard they found a cure for cancer haven't you? Jess thinks of starting a new business.
24. Wisdom
Monday 23rd September 2019
Jess works on becoming wise. But it can take a long time, so she's trying to fast track it.
25. Vanity
Monday 30th September 2019
Our culture is so superficial. Everyone cares about what they look like, but you're not supposed to be so obvious about it. You've got to play it cool playing cool.
26. The Secret
Monday 7th October 2019
What is it with KFC and their secret blend of herbs and spices? You'd think they were guarding the secret of life or something.
27. Preparation
Monday 14th October 2019
Will is preparing for a job interview and Jess is keen to help. She has all the tricks. She's great at preparing. She's permanently prepped. It's kind of her thing.
28. Potential
Monday 21st October 2019
Jess feels like she's not living up to her potential. But the thing is the moment you use your potential, it's gone. You don't want to waste it.
29. Evil
Monday 28th October 2019
It's halloween. And there's evil out, every where you turn. Will does what he has to do.
30. Optimist Or Pessimist
Monday 4th November 2019
Is the glass half full or half empty? The problem is, even if it's half full, it's still just a glass. Nothing to get too excited about.
31. Sleep
Monday 11th November 2019
Will tries something new called polyphasic sleeping. It's supposed to make you more productive, but he's knackered.
32. Artificial Intelligence
Monday 18th November 2019
It's getting out of hand now isn't it? Everything is hooked up to the grid. Soon the machines will be taking our jobs.
33. Time
Monday 25th November 2019
Greenwich Mean Time. Makes you proud doesn't it? It's like Britain's greatest export. The car industry might be fucked, but everyone still needs time.
34. Democracy
Wednesday 11th December 2019
General election incoming!!! Will is going to vote so hard!!!!
35. Mixed Blessings
Monday 16th December 2019
Christmas can be a difficult time of year. There's so much pressure on it being full of joy. It can be unrealistic. Ask Jess.
36. Merriment
Monday 23rd December 2019
It's a wonderful time full of mirth and merriment. Jess and Will get in the festive mood.
37. Want
Monday 30th December 2019
Want. It never stops. It's only just been Christmas. It would be wrong to want anything. But what do you want to need? Because if you don't need anything, you're not doing it right.
38. Respect
Sunday 5th January 2020
The new guy isn't giving Will any respect at all. He's been cracking out all his best anecdotes, and he's still not the slightest bit impressed.
39. Veganuary
Monday 6th January 2020
This is a time for fresh starts. Resolutions. A new you. But how long will you keep it up?
40. Invention
Monday 13th January 2020
If you had to invent a new vegetable, what would it be? Jess thought she'd discovered a new one, but it turns out not.
41. The News
Monday 20th January 2020
It's terrible isn't it. The sort of bias you see in the news. It just makes Will furious.
42. Six Degrees of Separation
Monday 27th January 2020
Between any two people in the world, there's supposed to be just six degrees of separation. When you think about it, we're all one big family really, aren't we?
43. Idleness
Monday 27th January 2020
It's tiring isn't it? Doing nothing. It's a wonder these two stick around. They're lucky they still choose to work there.
44. Toast
Monday 3rd February 2020
Will can smell toast, and if you smell toast you might be having a stroke. You've got to check it out.
45. Compassion
Monday 10th February 2020
You've got to think of the customer as... just another person. We're trying to cultivate a sense of love and compassion.
46. Contentment
Saturday 15th February 2020
The more goals we have, the less content we are in life. The trick is to go blank. Numb. Zone out a bit.
47. Aging
Saturday 15th February 2020
Jess is confused. You never see old people in the war, and yet they're the ones always talking about it.
48. Space
Monday 17th February 2020
If you were chosen to explore space and you had to choose one other person to go with you, who would it be?
49. True Crime
Monday 24th February 2020
Did you know that a pineapple is the only food that eats you back? The mafia should use those instead.
50. Saving
Monday 9th March 2020
Will is saving up for a car. Nothing too fancy. Just a mercedes. But you've got to think of it as cost per drive.
52. Endings
Monday 23rd March 2020
All things must pass. But are there really ever any endings? You know, even death is an illusion.
53. Holy Communion
Monday 13th April 2020
Have you ever tried a bit of Jesus? It doesn't really taste like much. But it wouldn't look good if you gagged.
55. Social Distancing
Monday 27th April 2020
Locked down and fed up. As coronavirus keeps us in our houses, it's important that we keep a record of life under lockdown for posterity.
56. Isolation
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Locked down and fed up. As coronavirus keeps us in our houses, it's important that we keep a record of life under lockdown for posterity.
57. Purpose
Monday 11th May 2020
We're on the home stretch now. You've just got to find some purpose to get you through. Find a second wind.
58. Stay Alert
Monday 18th May 2020
We've all got to do our bit now and stay alert. Yep, that ought to do it.
59. Unlocking
Monday 1st June 2020
It's one rule for them and another rule for us! After all the sacrifices we have made.