The Bruvs
- Online sitcom
- 2014 - 2020
- 40 episodes
Online animated comedy about two gangster brothers operating in Essex. Stars Ian Brown.
Episode guide
1. Parachute
Wednesday 23rd July 2014
The Bruvs take to the skies to give their old dad a very special birthday treat. But they manage to combine a bit of business with it too. And save some money in the process. So things can only go well, right?
2. Dentist
Wednesday 23rd July 2014
The Bruvs prove blood is thicker as they visit their new dentist for the first time. And they reveal their unique alternative to the pain of the dentist's needle... involving a baseball bat. There will be blood.
3. Rude Word
Thursday 28th August 2014
The Bruvs go all potty mouth as they insist on keeping up standards in the family. They have to teach someone a lesson - and where better to go than their old lock-up where, over the years, they have had many a chat with colleagues and rivals alike?
4. Half Baked
Wednesday 8th October 2014
The Bruvs face the dark side. But this is no science fiction. For The Bruvs the future is not all that bright. But it is a bit orange. Chanterelle has had a disaster that puts paid to a nice night out.
5. Gallery
Tuesday 10th February 2015
The Bruvs go all arty farty in pursuit of culture. At an Art Gallery they offer their very special interpretation of the works on show. They may be no oil paintings themselves but when it comes to art, they know what they like. And they like what they know. Which, it turns out, isn't very much.
6. Going Postal
Tuesday 31st March 2015
The Bruvs prove patience is a virtue - but not necessarily for them. A visit to the High Street proves costly for one financial institution. However, this is no Daylight Robbery. The Bruvs mean well. Things just don't quite go according to plan. As is so often the case for this pair.
7. Meet The Bruvs
Tuesday 9th June 2015
The Bruvs enter a musical world - but they're not suddenly into show tunes! Meet The Bruvs is a musical extravaganza that handily introduces the world of TheBruvs - their past of crime and their future of trying to go straight ... and failing BIG TIME! Meet all the characters and see them in action as never before.
8. Wheelchair
Friday 4th September 2015
The Bruvs catch up with their old dad after his parachuting treat. As he recovers from that last adventure, Doug 'n Den have dreamt up another special surprise for their dad. What could go wrong? All is revealed in this dark and brooding film.
9. BolloxBox
Monday 16th November 2015
The Bruvs turns armchair TV critics - in a film hardly associated at all with any other well-known TV series of a similar nature. Come into Doug 'n Den's living quarters as they settle down for your viewing pleasure. What could possibly go wrong as TheBruvs express themselves about the state of modern television in the comfort of a living room somewhere in Essex? Stay tuned to find out...
10. Christmas Message
Friday 11th December 2015
The Bruvs go all festive - even though they do not really understand the meaning of the Season of Goodwill. In a film hardly designed at all to cash in on the spirit of Christmas, Doug and Den and all The Bruvs family do their best to work out the difference between their Xmas and their baubles. Unwrap this jolly jape and try to be good for Santa...Or else!
11. Paint Job
Friday 15th April 2016
The Bruvs get all colourful in an adventure to DIY for... A good turn goes bad and it's not just the paint that's flying when a make-over project goes the way of most things The Bruvs touch... NOT WELL! Brothers Doug and Den Bruv - and little Jason - can't gloss over their shortcomings as their efforts to settle into a new life continue to come unstuck... leading to more hilarity.
12. The Bollox Song - Testicles Mix
Wednesday 21st September 2016
The Bruvs' Doug 'n Den go all Doug-n-den-inem as they give new meaning to the hit parade in an epic rap battle. In a feast for the ears and eyes, The Bruvs offer up their unique take on a music promo. It's kind of Lip Synch Battle meets Drop The Mic as The Bruvs weave an intricate blend of artfully crafted lyrics - that some might call poetry - with a banging tune. It's a Mega Mix of Mega Proportions that hits all the right notes - and a few other things as well.
13. Theme Song and Opening Titles
Tuesday 29th November 2016
The Bruvs add to their criminal record with this, their very own theme song. Giving some of the family's back story and helping to introduce all the characters, this short film also doubles as an Opening Titles sequence for future films. It is a shortened version of a full song - which will have its own accompanying video. Catchy, even annoying... We Are TheBruvs is exactly what it says.
14. Talking With Dinosaurs
Monday 24th April 2017
The Bruvs show if they known their Jurassic Parks from their elbows in a film that combines natural history documentary with reality TV - and a startling revelation about the lovely Chanterelle. An evening in front of the flatscreen gets heavy - very heavy - when Doug and Den start to discuss prehistoric beasts. What will they dig up? Who has a bone to pick with whom? All is revealed as we discover the new species of Ptera-Doug-tyl and Tyrannosaurus Den.
15. We're The Bruvs - Extended Mega-Mix
Tuesday 13th June 2017
The Bruvs go all singalong-a-karaoke with the extended mega-mix version of their ever so catchy theme song. Eat your heart our Styles, Bieber, Perry, Beyonce, Swift and Z. When it comes to a banging tune, The Bruvs are more than able to hold their own. They can drop the mic with the best. Tune in, zone out and rock on with all the cast of The Bruvs as they lay down some impressive beats to get anyone on the dancefloor. You have been warned.
16. Toilet Fresh
Thursday 3rd August 2017
The Bruvs get down to business. Or one of them does. And it causes a bit of a stink. But there's a whiff of better things when Chanterelle lays down a new house rule. The latest misadventures of the villains trying to behave in their new home centres round the smallest room in the house. The dunny. The khazi. The WC. The restroom. The toilet. Call it what you will, it might be best to give it ten. Trust Chanterelle to get to the bottom of things and come up with a solution. Trouble is, The Bruvs - Doug and Den - soon find an evil new use for a product designed to neutralise badness.
17. Special 1
Friday 5th January 2018
The Bruv's bad boy past keeps rearing its head. A visit to the Post Office and their new dentist ends badly and bloodily. So does a special birthday treat for their old Dad... even coming up with a surprise gift for him causes mayhem. They can't even behave when watching the TV. And a night out to a club ends in very colourful style. Will they ever adjust to their new life?
18. Special 2
Friday 5th January 2018
The Bruv's are trying to teach their nephew Jason a valuable lesson. A cultural excursion to a gallery is not picture-perfect. A good deed goes bad. An encounter with dinosaurs reveals an amazing hidden truth. And a trip to the toilet does not pan out at all. This special longer adventure of TheBruvs shows just how poorly their adjustment to a new life is going.
19. Getting The Hump
Wednesday 11th April 2018
The Bruvs cut to the chase when they discover they can do their new community a good deed. But, as ever, not all is quite as it seems with Doug and Den. They might not be going as straight as they might have hoped in their new neighbourhood. It seems old habits die hard. If you like car chases, random cardboard box action and have had your fill of traffic calming measures - this film will be right up your street. Or road. Or alley. High speed, high comedy, high action - this film has it all.
20. Tooth Fairy
Friday 1st June 2018
Doug and Den try to do their nephew Jason a favour. The aim is simple - pulling out his wobbly tooth - so he can make some money from the Tooth Fairy. But The Bruvs have spotted a money-making opportunity too. They will film the escapade for the home video TV show You've Been Maimed. What could possibly go wrong? Except blood, mayhem and carnage. The simple act of tying a thread to a tooth and pulling it out becomes a major crisis for all involved.
21. Sweet Chanterelle
Wednesday 6th February 2019
The Bruvs go all Buble with a romantic love song that could be an anthem for Essex. Only they would rhyme Chanterelle, my belle and pint of zinfandel.
22. Storm In A Coffee Cup
Friday 8th February 2019
Doug and Den embrace the frothy coffee world and things don't work out. Too much choice, a complicated order and it all becomes a load of old baristas.
23. Another Rude Word
Tuesday 7th May 2019
After their last special tutorial for their nephew Jason, The Bruvs have learnt nothing themselves. Another catalogue of potty mouth wisdom rains down on Jason in a home-schooling session never to be forgotten.
24. Worst Bedtime Story Ever?
Friday 15th May 2020
Little Jason's bedtime turns to horror as bad uncles Doug and Den read him their favourite story... The Misadventures of Max McHurty. Mishap upon agonising mishap are the stuff of nightmares. Sweet dreams, Jason.
25. Sister Pact
Saturday 25th May 2019
The Bruvs learn who's really boss in their family when Jason's mum, their sister Janice, turns her wrath on them for all the bad examples they set for her little boy. Yet still, they learn nothing.
26. Toilet Tantrum
Saturday 1st June 2019
The Bruvs are very particular about their property and about who gets to read new magazines first... specially in the toilet. A part-work model-making magazine is the catalyst for a brotherly showdown.
27. Fat Lips
Friday 7th June 2019
The Bruvs ponder botox and fillers and the likes of the Kardashians, Katie Price and TOWIE types. And we discover a much-missed talent for Den that has been blown away by an old injury.
28. Shopping Mad
Wednesday 26th June 2019
By way of an homage to the classic Two Ronnies' sketch, The Bruvs have a more violent use for fork handles as they support a local artisanal shop. Much to the shopkeeper's regret.
29. Family Fallout
Monday 8th July 2019
A treat for their old Dad with an unorthodox parachute jump is made worse with the gift of a new dog. The Bruvs keep getting things wrong.
30. Going Bats
Sunday 21st July 2019
A visit to the local shops and their new dentist combine baseball bat techniques for The Bruvs as they make a lasting impression on other customers and patients alike.
31. Jurassic Poops
Friday 26th July 2019
Watching a TV show about dinosaurs prompts a meaningful discussion between The Bruvs and Chanterelle. Then the tone is lowered significantly when Den needs to use the bathroom.
32. Critical Mess
Sunday 11th August 2019
Visiting a gallery and watching TV, The Bruvs turn critics and discover they have strongly held views on stuff... views they have to express strongly.
33. Car Troubles
Friday 16th August 2019
A good deed goes wrong and then, while out for a drive one day - at high speed in front of a random police car... ahem... The Bruvs decide to do another good deed. It might not be their best idea.
34. Brick Or Treat
Saturday 5th October 2019
A musical extravaganza as The Bruvs exploit Halloween and demand stuff with menaces from their neighbours giving new meaning to Trick or Treat.
35. Up Your Christmas
Thursday 5th December 2019
The spirit of Christmas overcomes The Bruvs in a joyful musical medley. Their old Dad even shoots The Snowman with a shotgun. Awwwww. Merry Xmas everyone!
36. Car Troubles - Festival Edition
Thursday 16th January 2020
A souped up version of Car Troubles prepared for screening at various festivals. A good deed leads to more trouble for The Bruvs.
37. Lockdown Blues
Monday 4th May 2020
The Bruvs have learnt to play guitars during lockdown. Here's their musical take on loo roll panic, masks, social distancing and home schooling... And Old Man Bruv takes to shooting coronavirus with a shotgun.
38. How To Wear Masks
Wednesday 13th May 2020
The first in a series of films from the newly formed and unsanctioned Bruvs Office of General Information (BOGI)... Almost useless advice on how to wear a mask.
39. Taking The Piss
Thursday 4th June 2020
Found footage from before the pandemic lockdown reveals The Bruvs on a night to remember in up West in Soho, London. Much imbibing has been done. All that liquid has to end up somewhere. A close encounter with a mobile outdoor facility ends badly for Doug, Den and several innocent bystanders.
40. Social Distancing
Thursday 4th June 2020
The second unofficial, unsanctioned advice film from The Bruvs Office of General Information (BOGI) turns its attention to Safe Social Distancing. Mainly rubbish - all goes badly as Doug and Den attempt to explain all with the help of Chanterelle and some police officers.