The Real Witches...
- Online sitcom
- 2022 - 2024
- 3 episodes (1 series)
A mockumentary series that follows the lives of Lilith and Minerva; a pair of traditional witches trying to get by in a modern world. Stars Chloe Partridge and Kate-Lois Elliott.
Episode menu
Series 1, Episode 2 - The Missing Person Case
Real witches Minerva and Lilith must deal with the aftermath of turning innocent normie, Daisy, into an HB pencil. When her boyfriend, Daniel comes calling they need to think fast or face dire consequences.
Publication details
- Date
- Monday 6th March 2023
- Length
- 12 minutes, 18 seconds
Cast & crew
Chloe Partridge | Minerva |
Kate-Lois Elliott | Lilith |
Conrad Burket | Daniel |
Adam Lavis | Angry Dad |
Kate-Lois Elliott | Writer |
Chloe Partridge | Writer |
Adam Lavis | Director |
Adam Lavis | Editor |
Garry Maclennan | Director of Photography |