Sketches Page 98
Tragic Love Life Tours
3 mins, 24 secs
"We've got the 'Loveless Marriage' with Mike, the 'Mummy Didn't Love Me' tour with Camilla and 'Pissed It All Away Again' with Mike tour."
Toussaint Douglass directs Shakin' Stevens
1 mins, 50 secs
Never-before-seen, behind the scenes footage of Shakin' Stevens' Merry Christmas Everyone music video.
The Tier
6 mins, 44 secs
The quiz show where being wrong feels so right... until it's too late and you're heading down... The Tier.
Get Dressed Ye Merry Gentlemen, 2020
1 mins, 25 secs
Merry (ish) Christmas from John, Arthur, and all at OJS Air!
Christmas Sex Chatline
2 mins, 18 secs
A sketch to warm the cockles... Christmas Sex Chatline! If you know someone spending Christmas alone this year, reach out so they don't pay premium rates!
The Dramatic Tension Warm Up
3 mins, 54 secs
A vocal warm up with a twist. Why stick with all those 'me, me, me. ma, ma, ma.' exercises when you can inject some dramatic tension into your warm ups? Join troublesome actor type, George Weightman, on a warm up for the zooming 2020s... or the screaming 20s, given what's going on lately.
All I Want for Christmas...
1 mins, 27 secs
On Christmas morning Marcus wakes up expecting to receive the perfect present. What will he get?