Sketches Page 95
Where Do Ideas Come From?
1 mins, 2 secs
Joz Norris says: "People keep asking me for my thoughts about creativity and where ideas come from, so I thought I'd record this Masterclass for you all."
Legforth Council Meeting
13 mins, 59 secs
Check out this Zoom recording of the explosive council meeting to judge the town's most Bubbly Baby.
21 mins, 14 secs
A sketch pilot by Joz Norris and Matthew Highton made in lockdown about lockdown.
Covid Vaccine Side Effects
44 secs
A public service announcement for anyone worried about side effects of taking the Covid Vaccine.
Nigella Awesome and the Roasted Groundhog
3 mins, 17 secs
Home Cookery's Darling is in lockdown like the rest of us. But what can it do to a person? Yes, Groundhog Day was the other day, but isn't it every day? Nigella Awesome ponders from her staircase once again...
Cute redhead explains how theatre works
1 mins, 14 secs
Alasdair Beckett-King comments: "Theatre is a scam. There, I said it."
If French People Rapped...
2 mins, 59 secs
It's the comedy hip-hop parody the world has been waiting for, answering the question 'What if rap was in a French accent?'. Comedian Chris Turner puts Anglo-Franco relations back another 100 years...
Deputy Speaker goes on a cheap comedy course
2 mins, 27 secs
The Deputy Speaker of the House tries to improve his standing by going on a cheap comedy course, where he learns a load of stock putdowns.