Sketches Page 94
The Ref Who Can't Stop Running Backwards
1 mins, 8 secs
Every match seems to have one, a referee that is determined to run backwards.
The Little Man Who Lives In The Crisps
27 secs
He's been in there for a week now, and it's really changed the dynamic of the kitchen...
Self Isolation Party
1 mins, 11 secs
Steven Seller says: "I know we're all on Lockdown - but let's have a party! (no one's invited)"
Product Recall
1 mins, 59 secs
A public service announcement: The Joz Norris Sexy Calendar is incredibly dangerous.
Cummings' Comings and Goings
55 secs
What's Dominic Cummings been up to recently? He's here to tell us all about it!
Man eating toast ruins press briefing
1 mins, 39 secs
A man eating toast ruins a UK Government Coronavirus Press Briefing.
Bad Doctor Who Impressions
2 mins, 18 secs
The Keys of Marinus. On a mysterious planet, the TARDIS crew bravely volunteers to help out a man who wants to control people's thoughts.