Sketches Page 70
Rosie and Jim: 20 Years Later
47 secs
20 years after the last episode of Rosie & Jim aired, here is a catch up with Rosie to see how life on the ragdoll has been since the cameras left.
My Childhood Imaginary Friend
1 mins, 57 secs
Did you have a childhood imaginary friend when you were tiny? You probably hero-worshipped them at the time. Did they take you on strange and wonderful adventures? Well, imagine if you met them today. Would they seem quite as wonderful now as they did all those years ago? Of course, they would?!
Garden Appliances That Make An Impression
1 mins, 31 secs
Look out for the Alan Rickman hedge strimmer.
The Hero - BCG Pro Video Contest winner
1 mins, 10 secs
In a city diseased in crime one man stands for justice, liberty and freedom. Today you see him in action. Facing off in a toe to toe battle with villainy. He may be the hero they deserve but is he the one they need?
Guy who is about to die in a movie
1 mins, 8 secs
Learn the warning signs, and maybe YOU won't die in a movie.
Interview on going viral
1 mins, 26 secs
An interview with Bob, who talks about going viral with the family.