Sketches Page 58
Jasper reacts to the latest news
1 mins, 19 secs
75-year-old Jasper's absolutely PRICELESS reaction to the latest news.
Yeah but... who else is going?
1 mins, 58 secs
When you invite someone to a party and all you want is a simple "yes/no" answer.
Job Interview Superpowers
2 mins, 30 secs
Is your telekinesis superpower a work transferable skill that will give you an advantage in the jobs market? This is what happens when you tell your interviewers you have superpowers in your job interview. Surely superpowers are a much in-demand skill in the office environment?
Every Edgy Millionaire Comedian
1 mins, 17 secs
Alasdair Beckett-King says: "Netflix forgot to pay me for this."
Kunt and the Gang: Sausage Rolls Are Coming Home (The Great Sausage Roll Swindle)
2 mins, 50 secs
In Kunt's own words: "When we heard that hunger-hawking foodbank fraud LadBaby is teaming up with Roman Kemp and the Capital Radio Breakfast crew to do an England Qatar '22 World Cup song we couldn't help wondering what it might sound like..."
Britain's Best Flat-packer
6 mins
Meet Gäry Richardson, Britain's best bespoke flat-pack furniture builder. Gäry invites us into his workshop to discuss his process and display his recently-crafted pieces.
Order & Law
1 mins, 10 secs
The judge, the prosecution and the defence walk into a bar... but what's the badger doing?
Fanny Phew interview: Period Drama
2 mins, 40 secs
Breakout star of tomorrow Fanny Phew discusses the trials and tribulations of her debut feature role - Geordie Woman in Period Drama.
Pilots Cause Chaos... Because They're Women?!
3 mins, 18 secs
What could possibly cause more distress... a plane nearly crashing, or the fact that the pilots are female?!