Sketches Page 56
A quick history of Rugby
1 mins, 31 secs
Brace yourself for a quick, maybe not totally accurate, history of Rugby.
Jenna Wimshurst meets Gal Gadot
2 mins, 40 secs
Jenna Wimshurst explains: "Gal Gadot, to many of us mere mortals, looks like the perfect woman. So I thought it might be a good idea to ask her for any tips on how to improve myself."
Open Dad Night
2 mins, 22 secs
A look at a space that has been created for men to try out their 'dad jokes'.
Not-Notting Hill
2 mins, 28 secs
Comic Relief partners with comedy duo Stokes & Summers to make a parody of romantic comedy favourite Notting Hill.
Couple fight over last chocolate
2 mins, 37 secs
When you're down to the last Malteaser and have to decide who you love more, your partner or chocolate...
Women's Underground Secret Spy Club
3 mins, 39 secs
Ever wonder how your friend found out about her cheating ex 0.5 seconds after he told his friend?