Sketches Page 50
Escape From The Country
1 mins, 58 secs
Nick wants to swap London life for a home in the countryside and Tonya's on hand show him around.
If I was in Conversations With Friends
1 mins, 56 secs
Imagine if a Sally Rooney character was upbeat?
Unreasonable Hostage Demands
2 mins, 32 secs
Have you ever thought of becoming a hostage negotiator? Every police force has them in large numbers. Good pay and prospects, plenty of good openings to be found. Top notch training as well. However it's a hard job. You need superhuman empathy, outstanding rapport building skills and you need to be an excellent listener. But sometimes your hostage negotiation skills and natural talent for crisis management are stretched beyond endurance. What do you do when when the hostage taker starts making totally unreasonable and ridiculous demands?
Waspella - BCG Pro Video Contest winner
59 secs
If a wasp enters your home, it does officially own it. Take a glimpse inside the mind of an angry trapped wasp...
Sexist Prat
3 mins, 9 secs
We are all feminists these days, right? Not so. Lurking under the surface in many a person you will find all sorts of prejudices and sexist attitudes. Do you believe misogyny and sexism are something from the past? Think again!
A Meeting Of Old Friends - Part 2
4 mins, 27 secs
The two old friends continue to reminisce about their days in the secret service.
Sex In Your Thirties
29 secs
For anyone who's ever wondered 'What is sex in your thirties really like?'