Sketches Page 351
The Midnight Beast - Pizza in Ibiza
Stefan, Dru and Ash from The Midnight Beast are in Ibiza.
Barbershopera - Edinburgh (Not Gonna Go)
Distraught at the prospect of a summer without the usual festival experience, Barbershopera sing of their sorrow and their solution - to bring the festival spirit to them.
Cassetteboy vs The Sitcom
YouTube mash-up stars Cassetteboy has created this montage of Britain's most loved comedies to help launch Gold's 5 Ways To The Perfect Sitcom season.
The Maestro
In 1824, conductor Michael Umlauf prepared to perform Beethoven's 9th Symphony for its premiere - however he had worries about one of Beethoven's new musical innovations...
Victoria Beckham - Too Posh To Push It
As Harper Seven, the Beckham's baby girl is born, the BBC celebrate old-skool style. Hear Victoria as you've never heard her before as she explains to her adoring fans why she's too posh to push.
'Mumford and Sons' at a Homegrown Festival
A folk pop band not unlike Mumford & Sons is booked to play a public schoolgirl's homegrown festival, but with Leaver's hoodies, snoods, uggs and kooky face painting, it turns out to be a less than pleasant affair.
Homemade Festival
Missed out on tickets to Glastonbury? Don't worry, as sketch group Christmas For Two show you how to recreate the festival experience in your own back yard.
Question Time After Party
After the heated debate on Question Time on BBC One, you can turn over to BBC Nought for more political insight and fun chat at the Question Time After Party.
Cheryl Cole - her X Factor story
Cheryl Cole sings about her US X Factor woes. Performed by Jenny Bede.
Dr Buckles - Kate & Willy Therapy Session
Even a nice couple with as much sexy chemistry as Prince Of Willies and Katie Middleton sometimes need the help of a sexpert. Dr A Buckles is more than qualified.