Sketches Page 318
I Am I Am - Sex on the Tube
Double act I Am, I Am sing a song at the Musical Comedy Awards 2013 final featuring lots of London Underground station names.
Riding my Dolphin
Nature Watch... when animal lovers love animals a little too much.
Shapey Dave
A sketch by Mr Weebl. It's a TV pilot for an animated show for kids. See if you can spot why it wasn't commissioned...
Mat Ricardo's London Varieties
The popular London Varieties Show continues. Mat Ricardo introduces The Original Street Dance, Piff The Magic Dragon and Michael Pearse. Also extracts from an interview with Eddie Izzard, focused on his days as a [erformer on the streets of London.
Shopaholic Apocalypse
Shopping channels never stop broadcasting...
Gromit Unleashed
Visit Bristol from 1 July for Gromit Unleashed, a trail involving 80 sculptures of Gromit (from Wallace & Gromit) decorated by artists, designers and TV stars. Here's a comic promotional video. Find out more at
Live Improv Ad Break
The UK's first improvised comedy advert break, shown on Comedy Central at 9.10pm on Monday 17th June 2013. Broadcast live, it was hosted by Rob Carter and starred improv group Mischief Theatre. Is this the future of advertising? Probably not, but an interesting experiment.
Overactive Solutions - Orientation Special
Overactive Solutions is a corporation like no other. Here is their orientation video for new employees.
Sir Ian Bowler defends Charles Saatchi
Sir Ian wades into the breach to defend his good friend Charles Saatchi, following those tabloid photos
Learn Guitar With David Brent - Episode 3, Spaceman Came Down
David Brent responds to viewer questions, and plays Spaceman Came Down in its entirety.