Sketches Page 312
So On and So Forth - Death's Birthday
At Death's birthday party, War, introduces him to someone so evil and despicable even Death is moved to action!
The Jack Daniels Effect
A sketch by How Do I Get Up There?. The guys are in the bar, but choosing what to drink proves to be rather difficult.
In Cahoots - How to spot a Terrorist
A sketch about spotting a terrorist. Created by the group In Cahoots.
Richard Herring animated
An animated Richard Herring talks about death and Ben Elton.
Simon's Cat - Mirror Mirror
This time our feline hero discovers a mirror.
Doc Brown - No More Page 3
Doc Brown shows support for the @NoMorePage3 campaign.
Future Duck - Episode 4
David Attenborough is a nice chap isn't he...
Learn Guitar With David Brent - Episode 9, You're Why I Breathe
David Brent ends his series of guitar lessons with the 'future classic' You're Why I Breathe. He also hints he might be putting on a tour.
Selling Kids
Here's a slick door to door salesman with an revolutionary business idea.
How NOT to Make A Short Film
Thinking of making your own short comedy film? This video will highlight some of the obstacles you might be faced with. Notice how the crew deal with challenges presented to them. This gets quite meta.