Sketches Page 297
Heather's American Medicine - My son has ADHD
Heather advises a woman whose son has ADHD that he might not be the problem.
Russell Brand starts his revolution
Russell Brand says 'the revolution needs you'. Find out more on his website
This is the Future of TV
With the end of BBC Three and return of Gogglebox this video predicts with 100% accuracy the future of television, but with less nudity.
Alan Rickman Karaoke 2
This time Alan Rickman performs Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.
Roadkill - I Spy
Dave the Rabbit and Ed The Cat play a game of I Spy.
Heather's American Medicine - 32 year old Virgin
Heather advises a 32 year old virgin the best way to seduce a man.
True News with Russell Brand - Episode 6
Russell has got his hands on a copy of The Sun newspaper.
True News with Russell Brand - Episode 5
Russell Brand analyses the news 'truthfully, spontaneously and with great risk to his personal freedom.'
28 Ridiculous Puns from Leo Kearse
Leo Kearse delivers a string of gags at the Pun Run live comedy night.