Sketches Page 294
Sir Ian Bowler's poem about Nigel Farage
Conservative MP Ian Bowler presents his poem about UKIP leader Nigel Farage.
British guy does American accents
A leading British dialect coach demonstrates ten different American accents in under two minutes... and totally nails it.
How to do a Liverpool accent
There are a lot of videos giving bad accent advice. This is how to do a PERFECT Liverpool (scouser) accent.
Heather's American Medicine - I gave my baby away
A woman who gave her baby up for adoption by wealthy parents asks Heather if she did the wrong thing. Heather leaves her under no illusions!
Sergeant Pugsley - Sniper Pug
Will Sergeant Pugsley save the day? Probably not. He is a dog.
Heather's American Medicine - Three's a Crowd Case
Heather shows no mercy to a man who wants a threesome with his lover and her husband.
Heather's American Medicine - My boyfriend doesn't want children
Heather advises an average woman on the real reasons her boyfriend might not want to have a baby.
Comedy Blaps: Pond
A sitcom set in the treacherous world of modern television commissioning, a world filled with bullshitters and arse-kissers.
Comedy Blaps: Liam Williams - Episode 3, Home
Liam invites us to meet his parents.
Comedy Blaps: Liam Williams - Episode 2, Monotony
Liam Williams tries to make sense of the world using words and pictures