Sketches Page 250
James Bond villain auditions
Here is footage from the leaked tapes showing actors auditioning for the villain role in the new James Bond movie, Spectre.
Cardinal Burns - Kickstarter pitch for Inzane
A spoof Kickstarter fundraising video starring Cardinal Burns. The Gibson brothers peddle their 'tense psychological thriller', Inzane, before introducing a taster of the film.
Love Machine by The WildTones
Greig Johnson presents a music video for The WildTones.
The Gas Fire
A look at gas fires... but not too closely! Featuring a wig and a clock. This is an episode of The History of The World in 2,786,402 Items.
Blowing The Budget - Episode 3
Ed has the Quipster money and is going to start spending it: first things first, a car!
Have You Seen: Zoella
Ian Smith, Ed Gamble and Lou Sanders watch a video by Zoella - a celebrity YouTube beauty guru with over 9 million subscribers. This is what they thought of her 'getting ready for a beach walk' video....
Blowing The Budget - Episode 2
Ed is at the job centre for his weekly catch up with his career adviser Catherine.
Blowing The Budget - Episode 1
Ed Kear meets the head of Quipstar, who wants to offer him a series... Ed then gets a little carried away.
The Biscuit Tin
Another episode in the History of The World in 2,786,402 Items series. This one looks at The Biscuit Tin.
How To Pitch a TV Show
An inside look at how to get a TV show for kids commissioned. A sketch written by Richard Law and directed by Dipak Patel.